How to improve a meniscus tear.
"Exercise therapy is as effective at improving knee function as arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for middle-aged patients with degenerative meniscal tears, according to a trial that compared the 2 interventions (Kise NJ et al. BMJ.doi:10.1136/bmj.i3740 [published online July, 20, 2016]). In Western countries, 300 in 100 000 people undergo arthroscopic surgery for meniscal tears annually, despite lack of compelling evidence that surgery is advantageous. This trial compared exercise therapy alone with arthroscopic surgery alone in patients without knee osteoarthritis and who were younger and more fit than participants in previous studies."
I totally agree with the results of this study. Actually I can talk from experience. I suffered and acute episode of knee pain and the cause of it was a internal meniscus tear. I considered arthroscopic surgery but decided that I wanted to try to heal it myself. 5 years later I can say that the decision was the right one. I don't know what is going to happen in the future, but as for today I am able to run, swim, bike and even play tennis from time to time. For some months after the acute episode I always had the knee in my mind. I avoided weird position or exercises. But now sometimes I don't even remember what knee was the one with the tear.
I also had dozens of patients with meniscus tears in the last years. Lot's of them got better without doing surgery. In the specific case of the knee meniscus injury I think that doing surgery is a mistake. The meniscus is a "cushion". When a tear occurs than the cushion breaks a bit. What meniscectomy means is that they take the torn piece away. As I see it they take part of the cushion away so you will live the rest of your life with less support. I think that it is better to have the full support, even if it is a bit torn than less support.
This is my advice: If you are suffer from a degenerative or mild meniscus tear consider not doing surgery. Just put all you effort to regain strength and mobility. There is always time to do the surgery if you cannot manage to improve on your own.
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